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Assesing the Causes of County Disparities in RSDF Projects Proposals

Anul aparitiei: 

With more than 1800 applications for financing received during the first 3 years of activity, the Romanian Social Development Found could be considered a huge success. However, the differences between counties regarding the number of communities that get or simply apply in order to get support from the RSDF, raised questions about the efficiency of the Found's activity. Nevertheless, the Found tried over time to direct the money to the poorer villages and the eligibility criteria are derived first of all from a poverty grid. Moreover, they have tried to stimulate poor communities located in poorest counties to develop projects and to apply for financial support. The facilitating activity became one of the most important parts of the RSDF mission, and it was directed toward selected counties, especially from Eastern Moldavia and Southern Walachia. As a consequence, differences between counties were supposed to exist, but not among those counties targeted by the RSDF facilitating and promoting campaigns.
This is the basic reason for the initiation of the present report and the research that sustained it. We have tried to answer to the question of differences between counties. The research activity focused on the applying mechanisms, on the description of the communities that submitted projects, and on the channels allowing the information to disseminate from the RSDF towards the communities and from community to community

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