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The Experience of Joblessness in Poland: A Mixed Method Study

Luni, 17 noiembrie 2014, ora 10, in cadrul prezentarilor organizate in ICCV, vorbitorul va fi Joshua Kjerulf Dubrow, afiliat al Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Academia Poloneza.

Tema prelegerii este The Experience of Joblessness in Poland: A Mixed Method Study. Rezumatul prezentării poate fi regasit mai jos.


I present a mixed method study on the experience of joblessness in Poland. This is a project conducted by a group of colleagues at the Polish Academy of Sciences in 2012. The central premise of our project is to describe and explain the experience of joblessness in contemporary Poland. We investigate two main types of joblessness: those who have been or are now jobless for a substantial length of time, and those who have left the labor market entirely. We examine three types of the jobless: the currently employed who have recently been jobless, those who were jobless during the administration of the survey, and housewives who are not actively seeking employment. We use a variety of perspectives and methods to gain an understanding of the joblessness experience, and to generate new insights into their life situation. Our overarching perspective is that of inequality: how does class and stratification intersect to influence the experience of joblessness? Methodologically, we employ qualitative and quantitative analyses to mixed method survey data. In a social constructionist way, the interview is an interactive place where both the interviewer and respondent create information. Thus, we treat the interview as a social performance in which the interviewer and interviewee are both active participants in creating responses. The study was conducted in 2012 on a subsample of the jobless (n = 152). This joblessness study was an off-year survey for the Polish Panel Survey ( POLPAN is conducted every five years, from 1988 to 2013 (n approx.1500). We selected survey respondents if they declared that (a) they were unemployed in 2008 or (b) their main occupation is to take care of the household and are not seeking employment. The purpose of this presentation is to present the data, our approach to the data, and some of our early findings, and to solicit comments, questions and advice on the analyses of our data.

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