Iuliana Precupetu, Marian Vasile, Ionela Vlase. 2013. “Individual and Contextual Factors in Self-Rated Health Inequalities: A Comparison between Romania, 10NMS and EU15”, Review of Social Research and Intervention, Vol 41, pp 28-39. Impact Factor 2012 (1.354)
Ionela Vlase. 2013. “Potential factors of inequalities in migration flows. The case of Romanian Roma in Italy and Spain”, Calitatea vieţii no 1/2013, pp 15-30. BDI indexed
Ana Maria Preoteasa. 2013. “Roma women and precarious work: Evidence from Romania, Bulgaria, Italy and Spain”, Review of Social Research and Intervention, Vol 43 December, pp. 155-168. Impact Factor 2012 (1.354)
Iuliana Precupetu, Marian Vasile, Ionela Vlase, Social exclusion in Europe: an explanatory model of perceived social exclusion, in evaluation
Iuliana Precupetu, Marian Vasile, Measuring quality of life with the Romanian Index of Perceived Quality of Life, draft article to be submitted to a BDI indexed journal
Iuliana Precupetu, Marian Vasile, The Quality of Life Index. A Proposal for a composite measure of quality of life, in the Annual Conference of Sociology and Social Work, The University of Sibiu, 17-18 October 2014
Iuliana Precupetu, Marian Vasile, The quality of social contexts in Europe: social exclusion and income inequality, in Long-term trends in Quality of Life Mid-term conference of the ISA Research Committee 55 on Social Indicators, The Hague, The Netherlands, 12- 13 September 2013
Ana Maria Preoteasa, Roma women employment precariousness, in European Sociological Association 06RN14 conference - Gender Relations in the Labour Market and the Welfare, Torino, Italy, 28-31 August 2013
Iuliana Precupetu, Marian Vasile, Social exclusion in Europe: an explanatory model of perceived social exclusion, in Towards the Good Society - European Perspectives, Romanian Sociological Association International Conference Bucharest, 24-26 October 2013
Ionela Vlase Inequalities in structuring migration process from Romania in European Sociological Association RN35 midterm conference Managing migration in a world of economic crisis with new profiles of migrants, Paris, CERI - CNRS, 3-4 September 2012
Iuliana Precupetu, Health inequalities in Romania in a European comparative perspective în European Sociology: New Challenges and Opportunities, Romanian Sociological Association International Conference, Oradea, 27-29 September 2012
Iuliana Precupetu, Inequality in Romania: the possible role of macro factors on increasing inequality, the workshop Inequality in Romania in European comparative perspective, Research institute for Quality of life, October 2012
Iuliana Precupeţu, Marian Vasile, An exploration of individual and contextual factors in self perceived health: a comparative analysis between Romania, 10NMS and EU15, the workshop Inequality in Romania in European comparative perspective, Research Institute for Quality of life, October 2012
Ionela Vlase, Inequality in migration flows. Roma from Romania, the workshop Inequality in Romania in European comparative perspective, Research institute for Quality of life, October 2012
Members of the research team prepared a draft manuscript for a book on quality of life in Romania to be submitted to a publishing house.