// $Id: UPGRADE.txt,v 1.3 2007/10/29 16:38:28 add1sun Exp $ NICE MENUS UPGRADE ------------------ 4.7 -> 5.x The CSS class has changed to change the underscore (_) to a dash (-) The 4.7 version of class="nice_menu" is now class="nice-menu" in version 5. You will need to adjust any Custom CSS you have added to account for this. The default CSS that comes with nice_menus uses this new convention already. Also note that the layout CSS for the module has been broken out into a separate CSS file (nice_menus_default.css). You have the option of replacing this file by creating a separate customized CSS file, and overriding the default CSS file at Administer -> Themes -> Configure -> Global settings -> "Path to custom nice menus CSS file".